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Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board
Puncturevine is a toxic plant and a serious weed in pastures, roadsides, waste places and cultivated fields. The spines of the fruit can cause damage to animals and people. It's sharp spines can puncture bicycle tires and shoes. While typically not grazed, puncturevine is toxic to livestock, especially sheep, … See more
Puncturevine is found in pastures, roadsides, waste places, parks, agricultural areas. Please click hereto see a county level distribution map of puncturevine in … See more
Puncturevine reproduces by seed, which typically germinate from April to October, depending on conditions. Seeds commonly germinate after rainfall or irrigation. Seed … See more
See our postcardfor early detection information about puncturevine. Weed Report from the book Weed Control in Natural Areas in the Western United States. See our brochureon puncturevine. See our brochure in Spanishon puncturevine. … See more
Puncturevine spreads by seed so controlling plants prior to seed production is critical to prevent further seed entering the seedbank. When working in puncturevine infestations, make sure to clean shoes, clothing and tires to prevent spreading seeds to … See more
Tribulus terrestris - Wikipedia
Like many weedy species, this plant has numerous common names according to the world region, including goathead, bull's head, gopher-head, caltrop, cat-head, devil's eyelashes, devil's-thorn, devil's-weed, puncturevine, and tackweed.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Puncturevine Management Guidelines--UC IPM - ucanr.edu
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) is an aptly named summer annual found widely in California. Native to southern Europe, it can grow under a wide range of conditions, but its success is …
Goat Head Weed Control: Preventing Puncturevine
Weed Gallery: Puncturevine--UC IPM - ucanr.edu
Puncturevine or goathead is a prostrate, summer annual, mat-forming, broadleaf plant with an extensive root system. Listed as a “C-rated*” noxious weed in California, puncturevine …
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Getting Rid Of Puncturevine Weeds - Gardening …
Feb 3, 2021 · The best way to attain puncturevine control in lawns is to keep your lawn green and lush, as a healthy stand of grass will choke out the weeds. Feed and water your lawn as usual, but keep in mind that watering will encourage …
Plants of Texas Rangelands » Goathead, Puncturevine
Goathead is an annual weed in the caltrop family. The prostrate stems radiate from a tap root and bear pairs of opposite leaves. The flattened fruit resembles a goat's head. It breaks into five nutlets, each bearing two strong, woody spines, …
Puncturevine Biocontrol | Department of Agriculture
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) is a summer annual forb, and is native to Europe. The plant is prostrate or ascending, spreading into mat forming cover. The stems are trailing and can grow …
Weeds: Puncturevine (Tackweed, Goathead) – …
Jun 22, 2024 · Puncturevine is a prostrate plant growing from a taproot. Above ground, the branching, trailing stems grow one to six feet and are green to reddish in color. Leaves are opposite.
Puncturevine is an annual plant; i.e., during one year the seeds germinate, develop, flower, set fruit, and die. It originates from warm, dry regions of Eurasia, specifically the Mediterranean. …
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris), a class-B non- designate tires, shoes and clothing of people, fur, feathers, and noxious weed in Franklin County, Wash. is of the Zygophyllaceae (Caltrop) …
Distinguishing Features: Flowers: Yellow, five petaled flowers, approximately 1⁄2 inch in size. Seeds: A spiny bur, containing 5 seeds; Matures to a tan or grey and is very hard. 500 - 2,000 …
Puncturevine | Integrated Crop Management - Iowa State University
Jun 1, 2020 · General description: Relatively small, prostrate plant with compound leaves. Multiple stems develop from the crown, stems can reach lengths of 2-3 ft. Leaves are pinnately …
Tribulus terrestris - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Puncturevine is an aggressive annual weed with a deep taproot native to southern Eurasia and Africa in the Zygophyllaceae family. This plant has naturalized over much of the USA. It is …
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) | Fraser Valley Invasive Species …
This plant can grow in nearly any soil texture but thrives in dry, loose sandy soils. Deep roots can extend to depths of 2 m or more. Fine rootlets allow puncturevine to reach excess soil …
puncturevine - Invasive Plant Atlas
Tribulus terrestris is an annual, low-spreading forb native to the Mediterranean. Leaves are opposite, hairy, 1-3 in. (2.5-7.6 cm) long, and divided into 8-18 oblong leaflets. Flowering …
How to Identify Puncturevine | Public Lands Department
Puncturevine plants will start to spring up after the first moisture of the spring and any wet periods following. The plants have one large taproot. From the taproot, stems trail and form a mat-like …
Puncturevine - Methow Conservancy
Puncturevine is an annual weed that sprouts and grows from seed every year and then dies. Starting from the central sprouting point at the root, stems spread out radially, staying low to …
Plant: Puncturevine is a summer annual broadleaf that emerges as early as May and continue growth until frost. Plants generally grows low to the ground forming dense mats 2 to 5 feet in …
Puncturevine, Tribulus terrestris, is a prostrate summer annual with many creeping or spreading stems, yellow flowers with five petals, and woody seed pods covered with spinney burs. The …